Saturday, February 14, 2009

My Birthday Party with My Friends

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog! I really like Elmo, so that's my blog theme for now ... It'll change as the year goes on and my likes change.

Today was my birthday party with my friends, and my party theme was Elmo. It was so much fun to celebrate my birthday with my friends.

Welcoming my friends with balloons on the mailbox

Momma put up pretty streamers in the kitchen.
And more streamers and a "Happy Birthday" banner in the dining room

Dadda bought Elmo party hats.

My Elmo cupcakes, plates and napkins
I was trying to sneak a cupcake early!

Silly Elmo balloon

My friend William - He's just 3-weeks older than me.

My friend Olivia - She turned one in November.

"Come play in my room!"

It's lunchtime, and it's my favorite:
Chick-Fil-A nuggets, grapes and Goldfish!

My friend Genna - Her 3rd birthday is in March.

Olivia in her Elmo party hat

My friend Kendall - She's in my class at school,
and her birthday is exactly month after mine.

My friends Grayson and Mary Glynn -
They're twins, and they're in my class at school.
Their 2nd birthday was in January.

My friends and I eating lunch together

Kendall, Grayson & Mary Glynn

William, Owen & Genna - Their mommies and daddies
are in Sunday school with Momma & Dadda.


Everyone sang "Happy Birthday!" to me.

Momma wanted me to blow out the candle,
but I asked her to do it instead.

This Elmo cupcake looks delicious ...

Yummy - It is delicious!!

All my friends gave me wonderful gifts.
Kendall gave me a Disney Princesses dress-up set.
William gave me a sweet baby doll - I love baby dolls!

Mary Glynn & Grayson gave me a subscription to Wild Animal Baby magazine. It will be so fun to receive a magazine each month!

Olivia gave me an Elmo DVD and
some fun bath crayons and foam stuff.

Owen gave me a Llama Llama book.
Dadda and I really like to read together.

Genna gave me a monogrammed apron and pretty hair bows.

Here's the group:
Olivia, Genna, William, me, Owen, Kendall, Mary Glynn & Grayson
Mary Glynn & Grayson are tired -
They went to our friend Brady's birthday party right before mine.

Dadda, me & Momma

Post-birthday-party nap

Being the birthday girl is hard work!