Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school. I have a new monkey shirt and a new lunch box! My teachers are Ms. Susan and Ms. Muriel - They are so nice! My class is called the Monkeys. I had a great day at school today!

My friends Mary Glynn and Grayson are in my class again this year, and they had monkey shirts today just like me!!

This is the door of my classroom.

Here's the monkey with my name on it.

And here's my birthday candle on the wall.

I'm telling my Dadda all about my day.

A Sunday Visit from the Atlanta Colliers

On Sunday of Labor Day weekend, Uncle Bill, Aunt Alex and my cousins Olivia, Nick and Sophia came to visit since Grandma Mimi and Sandy were in town. We had enjoyed lunch together and had fun celebrating Dadda's, Nick's and Aunt Alex's birthdays.

Olivia and Sophia helped me put together my Princesses puzzle.

Lunch at the kids table

Sophia, me, Olivia and Nick

The birthday cake for Dadda, Nick and Aunt Alex - It sure was yummy!

The birthday boys and girl!

I had fun playing with Play-doh with Nick and Sophia.

Dadda was very silly with my Play-doh!

Olivia and Momma

Grandma Mimi & Sandy's Visit

Grandma Mimi and Sandy came to visit on the Wednesday before Labor Day. They stayed almost a whole week! We had so much fun with them. Grandma Mimi and Sandy both played hide-and-seek with me a lot!

Grandma Mimi and me

Grandma Mimi, Sandy and me

I enjoyed using Mimi's make-up mirror to apply my new Princess "lip stick" (really, it's lip balm).

We went to eat at The Bright Star with Carmen, Jimmy and Great Grandmama. It was delicious!
Mimi, Dadda and I really enjoyed peanut butter pie at The Bright Star.

Mimi let me put on some of her make-up - It was so much fun!

We went to lunch at The Galleria, and I had some ice cream.

Then Dadda and I rode the carousel.

It was so much fun to watch the Auburn game together.
I love my new Auburn cheerleader outfit!